Pascal BizardVP - Chief Sustainability Officer, Decathlon China

Pascal Bizard is a graduate of Polytech Lille and holds an engineering degree in Mechanical science. He joined DECATHLON 30 years ago leading numerous innovation & strategical projects. He started by creating the Decathlon bicycle brand manufacturing but also implanted Decathlon Taiwan sourcing and leaded the Asia global sourcing for 10 years, based in Hong Kong then Shanghai.
In 2008, he returns to France to lead the hardware products development and global sourcing. He opens the French bicycle factory in Lille.
From 2012 to 2019, he drives the global sourcing and manufacturing transformation of Decathlon by implanting partnerships strategy, a visionary project that reshapes the sourcing principles of the company.
He is now in charge of the transformation of China business model to align Decathlon operations with the ambitious Sustainability targets of the company.