Yorkie, Yuk Ki ChowSenior Electronics Engineer (Medical Device)

Mr. Yorkie YK Chow:

  1. Born in Hong Kong and received tertiary education in Canada
  2. Engineer by education and training majoring in electronics engineering
  3. Second bachelor’s degree in Economics and Mathematics
  4. Chartered Engineer, Corporate Member of UK Institution of Engineering and Technology
  5. Corporate Member of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and Secretary for Biomedical Discipline Advisory Panel
  6. Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  7. Working for the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department since 1993; main duties include the management of acquisition and maintenance of medical equipment at public hospitals, clinics and laboratories, management of cruise terminal project, and overseeing corporate communications campaigns
  8. Occasionally seconded to the Department of Health (DH) for duties related to the control and regulation of medical devices in Hong Kong
  9. Currently serving at the Medical Device Division of DH overseeing the implementation of Medical Device Administrative Control System (MDACS)