Conference & Seminar Hong Kong  •  China, GBA

The PRC Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law: context and operation


For members only

Price: Free


Event ended.

Join this session to hear from Gallien Lefevre and Zhenghao Li from King & Wood Mallesons on 'China Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law: context and operation.

In June 2021, China passed the anti-sanctions law which formally allowed Beijing to take countermeasures against foreign individuals and entities involved in discriminatory measures that “violate international laws and basic norms”.

During this talk, Gallien Lefevre and Zhenghao Li from King & Wood Mallesons will walk us through the international sanctions that China is facing, especially from the US and EU. They will also analyse the extraterritorial effect of sanctions brought to China, as well as conflicts on the international stage.

Gallien and Zhenghao will then focus on China's reaction, and difference between this Anti-Sanction Law and China's responses to previous sanctions. They will also share with us the key areas of risk for businesses, as well as the position of Hong Kong with the launch of anti-sanctions law.




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