Culture: Sketching the scene


Language : English

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Why is culture taking such a prominent role all of a sudden, and for what purpose? Well, let us paint you the picture.

From the HKSAR Government’s mega West Kowloon Cultural District project to the grass roots of local galleries, we’ve taken a deep dive into the role culture is expected to play in the city’s continued transformation.


Who we spoke to in this edition:

  • Albert Lee, Executive Director, Hong Kong International Film Festival Society
  • Anat Givon, photographer
  • Anthony Lau, Executive Director, Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB)
  • Bao Ho, street artist
  • Benoît Etienne, Consul for Culture, Education and Science, Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau
  • Caroline Chiu, art critic and curator
  • Chris Huen, painter
  • Douglas Young, Founder, Goods of Desire
  • Rebecca Woo, Senior Director, Operation (Hong Kong), K11 Concepts Limited
  • Suhanya Raffel, Executive Director, M+ museum

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