The Chamber • Services
Government measures to assist SMEs in the ongoing crisis
As the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continue to be felt across all sectors of Hong Kong’s economy, the HKSAR Government has announced a range of measures to assist the city’s many SMEs cope with the crisis.
The Chamber is in ongoing discussions to arrange a dedicated session with Government representatives to help our members best understand the measures.
A snapshot of the initiatives:
100% Loan Guarantee under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme subject to a ceiling of $2 million
Support for business to fight the downturn
Support and consultation center for SMEs & Government Funding schemes
SME Fund
Retail Sector Subsidy Scheme under Anti-epidemic Fund
SME Reachout
Face-to-face meetings to enhance SME’s understanding of the Government’s funding schemes, with a view to encouraging better utilisation of the support provided by the Government.
For enquiries, contact the hotline (2788 6262) or email sme_reachout(@)