Hawksford launches its official WeChat account

Hawksford is delighted to announce the launch of its official account on WeChat. Hawksford already supports and facilitates many foreign investing international businesses with their Chinese business strategy and operations from its six offices in China and other international locations.

Whether clients are entering the China market, or seeking outbound investment opportunities, Hawksford’s new WeChat channel will assist with valuable market insight, the latest news, and practical ‘how to’ guides.

This bilingual WeChat account in Chinese and English will bring you:

  • China inbound investment news and trend analysis
  • Free access to business guides about company incorporation, regulatory, financial and tax compliance, and corporate governance
  • Business opportunities in the key growth markets in China
  • Registrations for online and offline events
  • Services and guides on doing business in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Europe


“At Hawksford, we provide the highest quality of service in the most efficient manner, serving foreign and domestic companies, to help them grow their business operations in China. The latest exciting development in terms of applied technology and customer service, is our WeChat account. WeChat will bring you the latest impact updates, thought leadership and ‘how to’ guides, from across Asia and Europe,” said Peter Zhu, Chief Operating Officer – PRC, Hawksford.

“Hawksford has long been the ‘Wikipedia’ for successful business in Asia, via our ‘GuideMeSingapore’ and ‘GuideMeHongKong’ platforms.  We are excited to now be able to share our service offering over WeChat, enabling foreign and domestic corporate investors and UHNW families to make the most of their business decisions and wealth in the international markets of choice,” said Cherith Fothergill, Global Head of BD and Marketing, Hawksford.


Follow Hawksford on WeChat by scanning the QR code below or searching the account name.

Account name: Hawksford恒可富

Account ID: Hawksford


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