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5 trends global mobility and immigration experts are driving to improve equality for accompanying partners

The world of business looks far more diverse than ever before. As a result, corporations, employees and those relocating with them are experiencing new challenges in immigration that have led us to question the way things once were. Tackling these emerging challenges will allow for greater equality and diversity within immigration policy globally.


Crown believes the battle to make immigration fair for individuals is a key topic for globally mobile companies.

Their latest report reveals the current trends you should be taking note of while ensuring ongoing compliance.


Throughout this report, Crown looks at a range of perspectives, including the often over-looked needs of unmarried couples and same-sex partnerships. Through these Crown explores the current global picture for accompanying partners, and 5 trends that global mobility and immigration experts are working towards, including:

  1. Extending same-sex couples’ immigration benefits globally
  2. Accepting common-law partnerships
  3. Harmonizing degrees and qualifications where licensing is required to pursue a career
  4. Tackling childcare, the invisible barrier
  5. Understanding the benefit of global mobility


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