
A message from the Chairman of the French International School of Hong Kong

The following is a message from Guillaume Goriot, Chairman of the Board of the French International School of Hong Kong. See the original letter here.

A message from the Chairman of the French International School of Hong Kong

Dear Members, Dear Colleagues,

Due to the health crisis in Hong Kong, the French International School of Hong Kong (FIS) has been forced to suspend all classes since January 29th. Faced with this unprecedented situation, the school implemented various distance learning initiatives adapted for each grade, level and stream.

Sensing the impacts to both school and community, Rebecca Silli and her counterpart at the British Chamber of Commerce, both took immediate steps towards addressing the situation with government bodies. Heartfelt thanks to both chambers and the Education Bureau (EDB) for ameliorating the conditions for exam classes and permitting the return of exam year students to their campuses, in an agreed framework and delivery.

Along with other leading international schools in the territory, we at FIS, appreciate the flexibility provided by these solutions, as well as our responsibility to best adapt them to our needs, factoring all risks, whether health, reputation or otherwise. Therefore, from March 9th for the International Stream and March 16th for the French Stream, these special arrangements will occur regularly for FIS exam year students.

I wish to reassure the business community. In the face of adversity, our school has promptly and resourcefully responded in addressing the impacts of the EDB decisions. The mobilisation of staff and the support of pupils and parents have been nothing short of remarkable. Teaching has continued in accordance with our curriculums, and our exam-year students will be offered the further support they’re counting on.

Our two communities, whether educational or economic, are closely linked and their success goes hand in hand. It is in this logic that we will continue an enhanced dialogue. I am at your disposal for any questions or additional information.

FIS, in coordination with other leading international schools, is looking forward to welcoming back all its students on April 20th.

Sincerely yours,


Guillaume Goriot
Chairman of the Board
French International School of Hong Kong 'Victor Segalen'

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