Companies news
International short-term assignment policy – global trends analysis and insight
Incorporating Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) into Global Mobility is still an emerging and important area for most companies.
Today, the short-term assignment (STA) is evolving into an ED&I Mobility vehicle. These opportunities have the potential to allow more diverse employee populations to gain experiences that will enhance career paths and help diversify an organization’s leadership pipeline. Making it more important than ever to ensure your STA policy lines up with typical practices.
Simply fill out the form to download Crown World Mobility's expert report today!

Industry benchmarking can provide key insights into policy development. Whether your assignment objectives are skill building or to fill an employment gap, our expert report contains global trends analysis and insight to help you achieve more.
From post-arrival to assignment end, it provides a snapshot of data from 62 company policies worldwide housed in our proprietary Policy Analyzer tool.
Want more information about structuring a new policy – or simply evaluating and updating an existing policy?
Contact Crown World Mobility's expert Consulting team for a policy review.
Report download page: Here.