Companies news
PALO IT announces the appointment of Fabrice Bayon as its new Managing Director in Hong Kong
PALO IT is pleased to announce the appointment of Fabrice Bayon as its new Managing Director in Hong Kong.
Fabrice brings with him a wealth of experience and a strong track record of success in the industry. With strong leadership, positive entrepreneurship, and a growth mindset, Fabrice will focus on accelerating business development opportunities, and streamlining and optimising local business operations.
"Success is not just about achieving goals, it's about creating a sustainable legacy of innovation and positive change," says Fabrice. The newly-appointed MD will play a crucial role in positioning PALO IT as the leading technology partner in Hong Kong, dedicated to designing, building, and transforming high-value sustainable businesses for their clients.
We encourage you to reach out to Fabrice to learn more about his vision and how PALO IT can support your organisation's digital transformation journey.