[UPDATE] The Hong Kong Business Dashboard: The French Chamber in Hong Kong x Ekimetrics



The Hong Kong Business Dashboard developed* with Ekimetrics, which provides valuable insights on key economic indicators in Hong Kong with a focus on the retail sector and its associated industries has just been updated!

A few words from Olivier Kuziner, General Manager, Ekimetrics APAC

At the end of 2023, we observed a strong rebound of Retail business, with a surge of Jewellery & Luxuries activities. This performance is underpinned by, on the one hand, a sustained growth in Hong Kong consumer expenditure, and, on the other hand, the recovery of tourists especially from Mainland China – tourist level has skyrocketed compared to 2022 epidemic period but is still down of 40% compared to 2019 landmark year. Last, we notice a post-COVID enduring change in consumers and retailer behaviour, with accelerated adoption of online and electronic payments.

Please note this dashboard is best viewed on desktops and tablets.
*Project designed under the guidance of the Chamber's Luxury and Retail Committee.

– To have access to the Hong Kong Business Dashboard below, please login to your member’s account –